Thursday, October 29, 2015

In Constant Motion

I stand here innate of motion
watching the weather go by
one day it snows
one day who knows
it may be spring or summer.

The leaves turn green
until they coil and crumble
falling down in the breeze
in a world so humble

Its amazing what one sees
in suspended animation
Its amazing what one feels
when the world flows around em'

When the stars shine bright
and the owls take flight
the night comes full circle

When the daisies rise up
and we can touch the sun
the day gets ever brighter

So I stand here
in suspended animation
for everything to change

"Take a minute, just 60 seconds, to be completely still. Look around yourself and take it all in. When the minute comes around ask yourself: what did I see?"


  1. From your poem it is clear that you won't have long to wait. You've shown everything is in motion. Nice!

    1. I don't think I've ever seen something that isn't completely still. Even mountains, as stiff and solid as they are, are moved given time. Time changes the appearance of something, but it never changes what something truly is.

  2. Oh, I do get those fleeting, beautiful moments in stillness, Merlin. Lovely poem.

    1. I have a one year old that keeps me busy all day, so a moment of stillness is always a great desire for me.

  3. Luv the video and your poem. And your engaging one minute challenge.

    Much love...

    1. Thanks Gillena, I'm glad you attempted the challenge at the end. Was it insightful?

  4. I like this. Your observations of nature, your appreciation of stillness and your recognition that everything changes.

    1. Everything changes so rapidly from where I live, but it is always interesting to know if it is any different from where other people's points of view are.

  5. I do think if we stand still and just look.....we see things that we would not have seen otherwise. This is a good time of year to do just that!

    Nice to see you here at Midweek Motif!

    1. There are moments when I lost things and can't even see it right in front of my nose because of how much of a hurry I'm in looking for it, and my brother is sitting on the couch watching me saying, "its right there."

  6. Love the reference to nature in motion... the ever changing seasons. Brilliant write.

    1. Thanks for the wonderful comment Sanaa, it is a nice way to show animation I thought.
