Thursday, October 29, 2015

A Thief's Pitfall Part 1: Edge of Stone

There was no way he could have prepared for this. Not even if the stone mirror had done its intended job. Garak knew he shouldn't have trusted that shady fence. Even with his in depth knowledge of stonework, it was impossible to determine the magical of properties of the item. If only he had the extra coin to spare for a mage to appraise it beforehand. Oh well. Nothing he could do now, and there was no point in lingering upon the idea any longer. Especially when there were cavern guards just around the corner.
Each clanging step brought forth a shiver up Garak's spine. If he didn't move soon he would be spotted. There had to be a way out of this alcove without being detected. He looked around the area for a weak point in the stones surrounding him. It was unlikely he would find anything considering the dwarven masterwork of this area's architecture. Dwarves knew stone better than any other race, and were also known for creating impenetrable walls.

He felt around the wall with his bare hand. The best way to test for inconsistencies was to use the hide of one's skin. All dwarves knew this method, even those who weren't masons.
As Garak grazed his hand across the alcove wall's surface, he felt a sudden draft in one of the bricks. It was as if the brick actually wasn't there. His hand slid through the cracks and on the other side was a lever. He pulled it and the well crafted wall slid open. Garak Stoneswift quickly leaped through the archway and landed on the other side. The brick wall closing behind him.
This room was dank and smelled of over-aged mead. Not that Garak minded because he really felt like drinking a good pint of mead right now, a little something to shrug off the insomnia of planning an escape route. He looked into the stone mirror he held in his palm. It was suppose to reflect what someone truly desired the most, but it had been doing the exact opposite, bringing him closer to danger than any thief would wish for. Taking one last look into the devil contraption he saw all he needed to see and chucked the stone mirror on the ground. It shattered into little pieces, relieving some of Garak's anguish.
“Next time I see dat' bastard, I'm gonna kill em'.” He spat on the shatter mirror and rubbed his foot upon them.

He spun around to look behind him, but there was nowhere to go. Just like before he was trapped in a small enclosed space, and couldn't find a single door. “I really need to stop cornering myself.” He shook his head in disbelief and proceeded to search the room.  

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